2019: Othello’s Guilt / La Colpa di Otello [Othello/Jago] – Roberto Cavosi
2019: Pio La Torre [Pio La Torre] – Leonardo Mancini
2018: Drowned or Saved? [Primo Levi] – Geoffrey Williams, Theatre alive
2018: Maria Callas, The Black Pearl [Ferruccio] – Sophie Aldred
2017: Pio La Torre [Pio La Torre] – Leonardo Mancini
2017: The Muse [Giovanni Costa] – Nick Barber, Palympstest
2016: Othello’s Guilt [Othello] – Ramnicu Valcea (Romania)
2016: Othello’s Guilt [Othello] – Directed by Roberto Cavosi, WOH Productions Limited
2016: La Colpa di Otello (Othello’s Guilt) [Otello] – Directed by Roberto Cavosi, Oltreconfine
2015: Pio La Torre, Pride of Sicily – Directed by Leonardo Mancini, Teatro Parenti (Milano)
2015: The Muse – Directed by Katherine Tozer
2015: Don Giovanni – Written and Directed by Roberto Cavosi
2014: Antonio e Cleopatra – Written and Directed by Roberto Cavosi
2014: La scuola dei figli – Written and Directed by Roberto Cavosi
2014: Otello – Written and Directed by Roberto Cavosi
2013: Intervista alla Marchesa – Directed by Terry d’Alfonso
2013: Parole d’onore Paris
2012: Rodari’s fables with Milena Vukotic
2012: Phantoms and the Effects of an Interrupted Dream
2012: Winds of change – Duo Morgenstern Gambino
2011: Ars vincit omnia – Duo Morgenstern Gambino
2010: Intervista alla Marchesa – Directed by Terry d’Alfonso
2009: Parole d’onore – Directed by Manuela Ruggiero
2009: Words of honour – Directed by Manuela Ruggiero
2009: Macbeth, the rules of the game – Directed by Manuela Ruggiero
2008: Camurria – Directed by Massimo Marinoni
2007: Julius Caesar – Directed by Leonardo Kramer
2007: Sherlock Holmes – Directed by Leonardo Kramer
2006: Julius Caesar – Directed by Elisabetta Riva
2005: Venire a Venezia – Directed by Pierpaolo Comini
2005: Bruxelles Manifesto– Directed by Yvonne McDevitt
2004: Les Femmes Savantes – Directed by Philippe de Groussuvre
2004: The Minotaur – Directed by Andrea Bosello
2003: Futuristic Soiree – Directed by Paolo Puppa
2003: The Knock-on effect – Directed by John Asquith
2002: Cecè e gli altri – Directed by Paolo Puppa
2002: Abramo – Directed by Paolo Puppa
2002: Search and destroy – Directed by Simon Cox
2001: Siren – Directed by Willie Christie
2001: The man the beast the virtue – Directed by Paolo Puppa
2001: Miseria e nobiltà – Directed by Laura Sansone
1995: Spirito allegro – Directed by Antonio Raffaele Addamo
1994: Miss Julie – Directed by Antonio Raffaele Addamo
1994: Non si sa come – Directed by Antonio Raffaele Addamo
2018: Il Traditore [Attorney General] – by Marco Bellocchio, Kavac Film
2017: Figli [Lawyer Domenico] – by Giacomo Campiotti, Bibi Film
2014: World War dead: rise of the fallen – Directed by Fred Hutton Mills
2013: Enemy of England – Directed by David Hawkins
2010: Screwed – Directed by Reg Traviss
2008/09: Vivid – Directed by Reg Traviss
2009: The International – Directed by Tom Tyckwer
2008: Journal of a contract Killer – Directed by Tony Maylam
2005: Operation Neon Sky – Directed by Dev Kumar
2005: Mai più come prima (Never again like before) – Directed by Giacomo Campiotti
2018: La Prima Guerra Mondiale Italiana [Don Calogero] – by Michele Bertini, Fox
2016: Emmerdale [Maurizio] – ITV, John Anderson
2015: Il giovane Montalbano – Directed by Gianluca Tavarelli
2013: Non è mai troppo tardi – Directed by Giacomo Campiotti
2011: Maria di Nazareth – Directed by Giacomo Campiotti / Canale 5
2008: Squadra Antimafia – Directed by Pier Belloni / Canale 5
2007: Il capo dei capi – Directed by Alexis Sweet / Canale 5
2006: Giuseppe Moscati – Directed by Giacomo Campiotti / Rai
2005: La Guerra sulle montagne – Directed by Giacomo Campiotti / Rai
2005: Mafia, the real Story – Directed by Charlie Smith / Wall to Wall Television
2019: A Cup Of Coffee With Marilyn [Jean Negulescu] – by Alessandra Gonnella
2014: Closure – Directed by Enrico Poli
2005: Il Bivio – Directed by Delfina Grimani Marcello
2005: Operation Neon Sky – Directed by Dev Kumar
2004: Underground (La7) – Directed by Massimo Guglielmi
2003: The Cleaner – Directed by Richard Blackburn
2003: It’s all grey – Directed by Eleanor Kingett
2003: Giambologna: Sculptor to the Medici – Directed by Charles Oliver Cooper
2001: Three Degrees of desire – Directed by Kuba Schwartz
2012: Heavenly voices – Directed by David Hawkins
2005: Mafia, the real Story – Directed by Charlie Smith
2003: Giambologna: Sculptor to the Medici – Directed by Charles Oliver Cooper
British Museum